Consultation Process
Call / Whatsapp
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- Call or whatsapp on 8083171171 During 10am to 6pm to know all detail regarding services, logistics, pricing etc.
- People willing for therapies need to fix an appointment with our expert doctor for health screening.
Health Screening
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- Before begninning of wellness as well as illness therapies health screening of every individual is mandatorily done by our expert doctor to decide the understand the suitability and precision of therapies.
- Duration of therapies can be decided in case of wellness therapies and its decided by doctor in case of illness treatments.
Scheduling and Payment
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- Individual will be provided schedule of therapies, estimated cost of therapies and date of admission is fixed.
- Individula will have to make 50% of the payment for the confirmation of admission on decided dates. QR Code _ , Bank Details _
Receive admission details
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- After payment indiuvidual will be provided details about - logistics, time of admission, treatment schedule, list of things to be carried, descipline to be followed during admission.
Arrival and welcome at Tapasya
- Welcome at Tapasya
Your well-being is our foremost objective, and so, every step of your journey is guided by meticulous attention and expertise. The process that we follow goes a long way in ensuring that your time at Tapasya proves to be beneficial. From your treatment to your diet and routine, everything is planned to optimise your health and empower you from within.
Our decisions are based on an in-depth understanding of your health, and taking the proven, scientific way forward. With you, we seek to establish a sense of assurance and positivity, which then translates to the medical care that you receive.
Wellness Services
Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy has given equal importance to maintain the health of a healthy individual. We have a similar process and keenness to assess the health of an individual as that of a diseased person. It is very important to understand the health background of an individual in depth for which a person has to undergo detailed screening and body constitution (Prakruti) has to be assessed very well.

Disease We Treat
We take utmost care and follow stringent guidelines to ensure that your illness/disease treatment is precise accurate, effective, and secures lasting wellness.
Respiratory system
Cold, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, recurrent tonsillitis, cough, bronchial asthma, eosinophilia, and nasal polyps.
Digestive Disorders
Hyperacidity, GERD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), indigestion, and constipation.
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, gout, reactive arthritis, Spondylitis, IVDP, Sciatica, and osteoporosis.
Skin Disorders
Eczema, psoriasis, acne, discoloration, dryness of skin, heal cracks.
Endocrinal Disorders
Diabetes mellitus, obesity, PCOD, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Benign prostatomegaly
Hematological Disorders
Hypertension (High Blood pressure), Anemia, bleeding disorders, epistaxis, etc
Autoimmune disorders
Rheumatoid arthritis, IBS, Psoriasis.
Anorectal Disorders
Piles, Fissure, fistula etc.
Urinary Disorders
Chronic renal failure, recurrent urinary tract infection, Renal Calculi (Kidney stone), Cystitis
Gynecological Disorders
PCOD, menstrual disorders, infertility.
Genital Disorders
Male and female infertility; erectile dysfunction.
Psychological Disorders
Psychosis, Depression, anxiety, irritable mood disorders
Child Health
All disease care, immunity building, Suvarna Prashan
Cancer Management
Integrated treatment to be continued with surgery, chemotherapy & radiation.
Obstetric Care
Prenatal for quality sperm and ovum; antenatal Ayurvedic supplements during pregnancy; measures for the smooth pregnancy and smoother natural delivery;
Disease We Treat
We take utmost care and follow stringent guidelines to ensure that your illness/disease treatment is precise accurate, effective, and secures lasting wellness.
Joint and Spine Care
Lumbar spondylitis, Sciatica, Cervical spondylitis, Kyphosis, Scoliosis, Low back pain and stiffness
Lifestyle Disorders
PCOD, Diabetes, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Obesity, BPH (Benign Prostate Hypertrophy)
Digestive Disorders
Hyperacidity, GERD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), indigestion,
and constipation.
Autoimmune disorders
Psoriasis, Rheumatoid arthritis, IBS ( Irritable Bowel syndrome), SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematous), Auto immune liver diseases
Stress Management
Psychosis, Depression, anxiety
irritable mood disorders
Infertility and Garbh Sanskar