Yoga Therapy
Rope and Belt Therapy
This therapy is a valuable application in modern Yogic Science, pioneered by Yogacharya BKS Iyengar Guruji way back in 1970. Dr. S. V. Karandikar, an ardent disciple of Guruji further developed it. The classical Yogic postures form its base. The patients with a history of pain and muscular spasm, are unable to perform and practice classical Yogic postures.
Garbhasanskar and Yoga
Garbhsanskar Yoga is an excellent way to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth and to minimize or prevent many of the common discomforts of pregnancy. The optimum time to start yoga apply in preparation for childbearing is before physiological state, although a gentle practice may be started under the guidance of an experienced teacher at almost any time during the term. Pregnancy Yoga is typically safely practiced by women who haven’t any complications associated with present or past pregnancies.
Corporate Yoga
We offer specially designed Yogic Health Programme for the corporate world under the name Corporate Yoga. Office Yoga is the best solution for busy people; it involves the practice of Yogic Postures while at work. Office Yoga training helps to relieve neck pain and lower back pain; Office Yoga also helps prevent hyperacidity and constipation.
Outdoor Yoga
Away from city buzz, clean – fresh air, quiet – surroundings enhance the effect of Yogic Practices. The practice of Yogic Postures, Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dharana and Dhyana in outdoor open premises makes it more effective.
Yoga Services in Hospitals
We guide patients in the musculoskeletal, metabolic, cardiac and neuro-endocrine functional disorders. We are eager to provide services in all eminent hospitals.
Yoga for Athletics and Fitness
The science of Yoga has two main streams – Ashtanga Yoga which disciplines our mind and Hath Yoga which makes our body strong and supple. Yoga in sports can help each athlete perform to his/her fullest potential. We are getting opportunities to train many prominent national-level players and coaches as well.